Photography Business Secrets: The Savvy Photographer's Guide to Sales, Marketing, and More (Paperback)

Photography Business Secrets: The Savvy Photographer's Guide to Sales, Marketing, and More (Paperback)

作者: Lara White
出版社: Wiley
出版在: 2013-03-11
ISBN-13: 9781118488409
ISBN-10: 1118488407
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 336 頁


Give your photography business an edge with these professional insights There are already more than 150,000 professional photographers in the U.S., according to Department of Labor statistics, and thousands of serious amateurs are continually seeking to become established. Whether yours is a new or long-standing photography business, you have plenty of competition. Lara White has collected the best advice from her popular photography business website,, into this guide for your reference. She covers establishing your brand, defining policies, setting prices, creating a marketing plan, networking, and a great deal more. Photography is a rapidly growing industry, placing both established and beginning photographers in tough competition for business Author Lara White runs a popular website teaching successful business strategies to photographers; this book collects and organizes valuable information to help newcomers get started and existing businesses grow Covers business fundamentals including establishing a brand, defining studio policies, setting pricing, creating a marketing plan, understanding your audience, networking, and effective social media marketing Provides proven tips for building a successful photography business Photography Business Secrets is packed with advice that can help your photography business succeed and thrive, even in today's economy.



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